The Devil Exclusive 2018
"The Devil Exclusive, which is far deeper than its darkly comedic elements suggest, delves into the trenches of existence, theologically battling a soul-grappling theory about religion, God, and the Devil that will send heads spinning. Regardless of your personal religious beliefs, there is powerful thought occurring here and evocative statements being proclaimed in this too-brief exploration of higher powers and their roles in the world as it stands. Dunne creates a striking masterpiece in this play, presenting shocking statements for pondering that will leave your mind whirling after the show closes, and may possibly be the only thing you think about all the rest of the night. Dunne explains the necessity of the devil, explores the notion of free will as a tenant of existence because both God and The Devil do exist, and examines all sorts of logical conclusions that spring from these principals."
-- Amanda Gunther, Theatre Bloom